Monthly Archives: June 2019
The School Site Plan that Split Byron Bay
IT’S hard to imagine that a proposal for a much-needed new public school could acrimoniously split a town in two, but that’s what happened at Byron Bay in the late 1980s.
There was never any conflict over the need for a new school, it was where it was to be built that prompted a sometimes bitter and personal stoush that continued for more than a year.
The Battle of The Pass
THESE days when the surf’s up and the crowds are huge, all the action is out in the line-up at The Pass at Byron Bay.
But there was a time in the late 1980s and early 1990s when there was more happening out of the water than in it at the world-famous surf break.
The community consultation process that led in late 2007 to new six-year licences being offered to the Byron Bay Dive Centre and Sundive and a cap set on the number of daily launches was a far cry from those turbulent days that became known as ‘Battle of The Pass’.